Follow the Facts

Common Sense Institute

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Influencing The Debate

The Common Sense Institute (CSI) is a non-partisan, independent think tank dedicated to the protection and promotion of Colorado’s economy. They provide research-based analysis and insight to help Colorado policymakers, businesses, and citizens make informed decisions. Ascent was tasked with creating a new website that would help CSI better communicate their research and policy recommendations to a wider audience. The new site needed to be modern, easy to navigate, and mobile-friendly.

Platform Specific

We work with CSI to promote common sense solutions, help communicate complex issues, and also enhance the overall brand of CSI as an important policy resource. Our team of designers and animators went to work to create a unique look and feel that was both lucid and memorable. Using a mix of aspect ratios, we ensured that each piece of content was designed for the specific platform.

CSI Logo


CSI is growing. The Common Sense Institute is expanding to Arizona. With the same passion for fact-based problem solving, we’re busy designing and implementing a unique brand that speaks directly to Arizonans. The organization’s rollout video captures Arizona’s flair.

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